5x Vegan Breakfast Ideas for Morning Sickness While Pregnant and Vegan

Do you have to deal with morning sickness and want some easy to digest breakfast ideas? Or need some quick inspiration on what to eat for breakfast? This is your go-to inspiration with lots of healthy easy-to-digest breakfast recipes. These vegan recipes are ideal when you have to deal with morning sickness.

A vegan diet may help or prevent you from having morning sickness. This is due to the low toxicity in plant-based foods. The most common food aversions for pregnant women is meat and eggs. Meat and eggs are the most likely foods to carry harmful bacteria and parasites. So it is no coincidence that you don’t want to foods like eggs and meat.

The last thing on your mind when you have morning sickness is food. However you feel, it is always a good idea to start the day with a good breakfast. Many women report having less morning sickness when they have something in their stomach. For me, it had to be only fresh fruit, and shouldn’t have too much of a taste. So I picked my favourite recipes when I had to deal with morning sickness for you to have some inspiration.

In this post you’ll find the following breakfast recipes for a healthy vegan pregnancy:

  1. Watermelon with Passion Fruit
  2. Blackberry Smoothie Bowl
  3. Overnight Oats with Raspberries and Yoghurt
  4. Banana Oat Smoothie with Peanut Butter
  5. Fresh Fruit Platter

Do you want more information about natural vegan remedies to deal with morning sickness? I’ve written a whole article just about that, read it here!

Vegan Pregnancy and Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is not necessarily felt in the morning. Some women feel it the whole day, like me when I was pregnant. Actually we should call it pregnancy sickness instead of morning sickness.

I felt completely off-guard when I had to deal with morning sickness. You know morning sickness happens often for a short period of time for pregnant women. But I experienced nausea the whole day, for several weeks!

It’s no fun when you have to deal with nausea at all, especially when you have a toddler running in the house as many mothers do. It wasn’t so easy for me to just eat my breakfast, while I knew it was important.

What is morning sickness? Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting that occurs during pregnancy. This usually happens in the first trimester, and it is an estimated 80% of women that report some kind of nausea during pregnancy. Women experience nausea mostly 9 weeks from conception. But it can definitely be felt earlier, as soon as week 5 for example.

It usually subsides in the second trimester, but can also be experienced throughout pregnancy, well into the third trimester. However, most women report that morning sickness stopped at all by at 16 weeks pregnant. There is light at the end of the tunnel mama!

A vegan diet may help or prevent you from having morning sickness. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is reconsidered by recent studies to act as an embryo-protective mechanism.

According to Dr. Michael Greger’s comparison of various studies pregnant women have strong meat aversions because meat is the principal source of pathogens for humans. By having strong aversions and by being nauseous your body makes sure it doesn’t consume any meat.

Dr. Greger also states that plant-based populations report no morning sickness and that women who suffer from morning sickness have better pregnancy outcomes (less miscarriages and stillbirth).

Another thing you can do when having morning sickness is to go outside every day. Research has shown a decrease in stress levels when you are surrounded by nature.

Do you have a park, forest or beach nearby? Go there and go everyday for at least an hour. I know what you think, it’s not easy to go do something when you’re very nauseous and vomiting. But go outside and breathe deep. Your body will thank you for it.

Pregnant, Nauseous and Vomiting? Banana: Your New Best Friend

Bananas are sweet and loaded with good healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber. When you’re nauseous you probably won’t eat a whole lot, so eating bananas as much as your stomach can hold is always a good thing. Bananas contain lots of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, phytonutrients and antioxidants.

Beside being very nutritious bananas stimulate the production of mucus from the stomach lining. This mucus acts as a barrier between the stomach lining and acidic gastric substances that cause stomach upset and heartburn. Another reason to try bananas when your stomach is upset.

When you have to deal with vomiting during your pregnancy, it is a good idea to eat bananas. What comes in comes out right? The taste and experience of vomiting is terrible, bananas make it less bad. The texture is soft, the taste is sweet and they don’t smell bad when they do come out.

Want to learn more about natural vegan remedies for dealing with morning sickness? Read the article here.

Let’s move to our favourite vegan breakfast recipes for morning sickness.

Watermelon With Passion Fruit

Watermelon and passion fruit are a very nice combination. I actually didn’t think about this combination when I saw a good friend of mine eat it this way. I tried it during my morning sickness and I could hold it! Watermelon is loaded with vitamin C and contains decent amounts of potassium, copper, vitamin B5 and vitamin A.


  • Watermelon
  • Passion Fruit

What to do:

  • Cut watermelon in half
  • Cut passion fruit open en spoon it out on top of the watermelon, enjoy!

Blackberry Smoothie Bowl

The best ingredient in this smoothie bowl are blackberries. Blackberries are known to be one of the most impressive fruits due to its health benefits. They contain a good amount of vitamins: vitamin C, E, K, calcium and manganese. That’s why this smoothie contains this amazing berry.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 cup blackberries (145 gr)
  • 4 bananas
  • 4 pears
  • 50 ml water
  • 2 pcs passion fruit (topping)
  • 2 tbsp coconut flakes (topping)
  • handful blueberries and/or raspberries (topping)

What to do:

  • Blitz all ingredients (except toppings) smooth
  • Add more water if texture is too thick
  • Divide in 2 bowls and add toppings, enjoy!

Overnight Oats with Raspberries and Yoghurt

This recipe is when you don’t want too much of a taste. Overnight rolled oats don’t taste too bad, they don’t have much taste at all. I sweetened the oats with a banana and added coconut yoghurt.


  • 1 cup plant milk (225 ml) (I used soy milk)
  • 1/3 cup plant yoghurt (85 gr) (I used coconut yoghurt)
  • 1 cup oats (80 gr)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup raspberries (125 gr)
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds (8 gr)
  • 2 tbsp granola (optional)

What to do:

  • Mix plant milk with oats and leave in an airtight jar in the fridge overnight
  • Wake up in the morning
  • Puree the banana and mix with yoghurt and hemp seeds
  • Mix the yoghurt-banana mix with overnight oats and put half of the mixture in two glass jars
  • Puree half the amount of raspberries
  • Add pureed raspberries in the middle of the glass jars and top with the second half of oats-yoghurt-mixture
  • Decorate with raspberries and granola

Banana Oat Smoothie With Peanut Butter

Bananas are your new friend right? This recipe is my favourite one to make when I need an easy quick nourishing smoothie. Often I leave the oats out, to have a nice smooth smoothie. But when you’re pregnant with morning sickness you want to add as much nutrients as possible and oats will leave you full for a couple of hours and they contain protein.


  • 4 frozen bananas
  • 2 bananas (room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (45 gr)
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract

What to do:

  • Add all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth

What comes in comes out right? The taste and experience of vomiting is terrible, bananas make it less bad. The texture is soft, the taste is sweet and they don’t smell bad when they do come out.

Fresh Fruit Platter

This is my all-time favourite vegan breakfast or vegan brunch. The best thing is to share our plates with our loved ones. If you cut all fruit to manageable sizes for your kiddo you can all eat together from one plate. Is there something more fulfilling than sharing our food together? You can vary with fruits depending on the season and hemisphere you live. I chose all the colourful happiness above.


  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Grapes both colours
  • Cantaloupe
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Dragon fruit
  • Orange
  • Mango

What to do:

  • Leave these fruits whole: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes
  • Cut the remaining fruits
  • Put on a nice big plate and enjoy!


I'm Tess, a vegan chef, mother and content writer. My goal is to share as much women-centred information as possible so you can be a confident (pregnant) vegan mama.

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