How to Create a Vegan Nursery for your Baby

You’re baby is on the way and it’s time to set up your spare room as a baby nursery, but you also want to do this in a vegan and cruelty-free way. Setting up the nursery is an exciting time and it’s fun to think about the design and the general outlook. This is how you set up a vegan baby nursery:

  1. Choose your furniture wisely and try to avoid furniture that is finished for example with bees wax. 
  2. Think about alternatives to woollen blankets, same counts for silk.
  3. Think about the material of the chair in the nursery, no leather chair except if you are comfortable with it. 
  4. Ask the paint manufacturer if they have used animal products in their product, for example bees wax, ox gall or milk casein. 
  5. Try to buy eco-friendly and sustainable materials. 

Vegan parents choose their furniture wisely and try to not choose furniture finished with for example bees wax or other animal products.

They also think about alternatives for woollen blankets or they might choose a second-hand woollen blanket or product. The same counts for products made of silk. 

The chair in the nursery is not made of leather but of other materials. Instead, try to choose a chair made of cotton or a vegan leather material. 

The paint used in the vegan nursery is not tested on animals, nor does it have animal products in it. You can ask the manufacturer about more information on their products if you want to make sure there are no animal products in it. 

They tend to choose more eco-friendly or sustainable products and try to promote living in harmony with all living beings instead of exploiting them. Not every vegan parent is the same though, try to think what feels comfortable to you. 

How to set up a vegan baby nursery?

Now we know more on how to set up a baby nursery we can think about the vegan aspect of the nursery. 

Firstly it is important to note that not every vegan parent is the same in how they choose their furniture. Some vegan parents are only eating vegan, some parents do not use animal products in the broadest sense. The latter meaning they choose furniture that does not contain any animal products. 

Secondly it is important to note that nobody is judging anyone. It is important to make your own choices and choose whatever feels best to you. 

Step 1 – Choose Furniture Wisely: no Bees Wax, Wool, Silk, or Leather

If you decide to use products and materials that do not contain any animal products, it is good to think about your furniture wisely. Here are some ideas to think about: 

  • You might want to stay away from furniture that is finished with bees wax. You can check with the manufacturer. 
  • Think about chairs that are made of leather or wool. You might want to buy a chair that does not have any animal products. Also: if you still have an old leather chair you want to put in your nursery, think if you would still feel comfortable in that chair some months away from now. If yes, keep the chair, if no look for another chair. 
  • Think about products made of silk, for example baby clothing or bed linen. There are other (organic) alternatives. 
  • Think about rugs that contain wool. You can easily invest in a vegan rug if your intention is to buy a new one anyway. 

Step 2 – Alternatives for Woolen Blankets

If you do not feel comfortable using animal products in blankets, fortunately there are (organic) alternatives. 

  • Cotton: soft, warm and breathable.
  • Linen: harder to find, sustainable and strong.
  • Bamboo: lighter material, breathable.
  • Synthetic materials: you might not want to choose synthetic materials in your baby’s nursery. Synthetic materials contain micro-plastics that you breathe in over time eventually. Besides, if you wash synthetic materials, micro plastics will end up in our water and environment. Not a good thing.

Does your midwife or friends say you should definitively buy a woollen blanket for your baby? This should always be your own decision. If you live in a cold area in the world and winter is coming, you might even consider a woollen blanket. There is nothing wrong with your thinking. There are options for you: you might want to ask friends or family if they have a spare woollen blanket for your baby. Or you might want to check thrift shops or second-hand stores online. 

Step 3 – Vegan Paints & What Color to Use

Vegan alert: there are paints that contain animal products, for example ox gall, beeswax or milk casein. You can either buy your paint at your local shop and ask or e-mail the manufacturer if they have used animal products in their product. Or you can search for vegan paint on the web.

What about colors? How do you know what colors you want to use in your baby’s nursery? You can check out Pinterest for inspiration and decide what style and atmosphere you want to create. You might also want to consider the psychological effect of colors and then decide your color-selection. 

Color selection can influence: mood, behaviour, stimulate brain and body, and affect can your health. Exposure to certain colors can improve sleep patterns. 

  • Warm colors: elicit happiness and comfort creating intimacy. Red, yellow, or orange.
  • Cool colors: have a calming effect and make the room more spacious and relaxing. Green to blue. But cool colors are not particularly inviting and can leave people reserved en cold if the room is too grim. So combine with or use pastel colors. 

Related Questions – How to set up a nursery: the Basics

What do you actually need in a baby nursery? How much does it cost? And what are the essentials in a nursery? These are the basics for a baby nursery.

What do you need for a baby nursery?

Not that much. Baby only needs the essentials, the rest is merely nice to have. So what are the essentials for your nursery?


  1. Crib or bassinet that follows your country’s safety standards.
  2. Firm mattress that fits the crib (less than two fingers between crib and mattress).
  3. 1-3 washable crib mattress pads
  4. 2-4 crib sheets
  5. Light blocking curtains 


  1. Dresser for clothing
  2. Bins for toys or other storage items
  3. Bookshelf


  1. Changing table or a good-height dresser
  2. Diapers and wipes (washable)


  1. Comfortable chair with a low armrest
  2. Dimmable lamp
  3. Bonus: something to put your feet on while in the chair


  1. Eco-friendly rug or play mat
  2. Age-appropriate toys
  3. Bonus: crib mobile
  4. Bonus: baby bouncer or swing

When should you start making the nursery

You should start with setting up the nursery exactly when you want to. Honestly, if you feel like getting it done than go for it. Especially if you have the energy, like for example in your second trimester. Don’t let people talk you out of it because they think it’s too early, try not to compare yourself at all with others.

It is nice to have your nursery ready by 36 weeks, if baby arrives early than you’re all set. But keep in mind that if you decide to paint the room, it will take a few weeks for the room to vent because of the chemicals in the paint. Also keep in mind that if you decide to buy new items, it could take several weeks to arrive.

How much does it cost to build a nursery

In the U.S. the average cost of setting up a baby nursery is $1665 at the time of writing. This includes above mentioned list plus a baby monitor. This amount equals approximately 1200 British pounds, or 1380 euros. This cost is roughly for the essentials only, if you are decorating with expensive items your cost will go up obviously. 

If you are on a budget you can set up a baby nursery with only friction of that amount depending on how many items you receive from friends or family and the price you pay for second-hand items. 

Good luck with setting up your baby’s vegan nursery! 

“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.”

Charles Darwin


I'm Tess, a vegan chef, mother and content writer. My goal is to share as much women-centred information as possible so you can be a confident (pregnant) vegan mama.

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